A Five Star Review For Breaking The Weak Link
“A brilliant, entertaining, and hauntingly-adventurous crime drama” – Author & book critic Anthony Avina
It’s always reassuring when someone compliments your work. Even more so when that someone is a critic who has reviewed thousands of books over many years. Of course I hope Avina’s review helps sell some books, but the validation of my efforts that comments like his provide is more important.
Writing is a solitary, obsessive endeavor. Yes, as I have said, I bounce plot lines off Carmen, and editor Gary Wortman slogs through version after version of the manuscript until I arrive at a book that’s ready to present to you. But, in the end, there is only one person sitting at the keyboard trying to keep up with the flow of words my mind is dictating. I often write late at night, early in the morning, all day, nonstop for days on end, and sometimes not at all for days at a time. It’s not that I’m not thinking about the story in those times I’m not writing. Thinking about the story is all I’m doing. Then, when the thinking is done and the ideas have been fully formed, I torture the keyboard incessantly until I reach the next thinking point.
So, when a fellow author who focuses on book reviews and critiques defines my work as “One of the fall’s best new crime dramas” I have to feel good about it. But, it’s Mr. Avina’s review and I’ll let him tell you how he feels about Breaking the Weak Link in his own words. Check out his review here.